Is this a good time for you to sell or buy a new home? How will your Chinese sign do financially this year? What is the forecast for you romantically? What about your health? Do you know your Chinese animal sign? It actually goes beyond that!
Many sites will calculate your animal sign and briefly tell you how you will do in the year of the tiger. But to be 100% accurate, PLEASE use this site to calculate a detailed actual picture by also factoring in your birth time. YOU NEED to calculate not only your animal sign but ALSO your Ba Zi Element. I have made it easy for you by researching and finding this one site that will serve you best. Click here and scroll down to Ba Zi Element to calculate your forecast for the year of the tiger.
During this time of the Chinese New Year I like to evaluate my feng shui. I like to clean out closets, re-paint rooms, fix broken items in the house, eliminate clutter, and donate things I no longer use. I also like to make a list of goals that I have for the year. The Chinese have red envelopes that they use for this and burn them with their intentions (similar to new years resolutions). It is a nice ritual that I love to do to inspire me for the year.
As you may know, the tax credit eligibility will end at the end of the month April 2010. Interest rates are expected to rise 6%-7% after this time. Although these rates are still historically low, right NOW may be the best time for you and your family to move. If the year of the TIGER is your year, make the most of it now while you can. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or want to take a look at a property. You can email me at mbedard@hickokandboardman.com
~Picture of tiger taken from Declan McCullah Photography
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