According to feng shui, this could prohibit positive energy from benefiting the first floor of the home. Energy will quickly rush out the back door (example, money luck, good health, relationships, etc. flows in the front door and quickly out the back), or perhaps up the stairs.
There are cures for this which I became interested in this week as the home I just purchased has this affliction. I knew this prior to purchasing the home and intended on finding the appropriate cure for this as opposed to passing up the home I love. Here is what I found to share with you:
~Place a round table in-between the two doors to re-direct the energy (not possible in my situation as it would look silly)
~Work with color to re-direct the energy (this is a powerful tool and my next feng shui article will be devoted to color and finding the right color for each room (Fascinating stuff! I struggled with colors until I utilized feng shui suggestions)
~Use a tall, healthy, strong plant and position it in-between the two doors (this is the cure I chose to use)
For more on these cures click here
What if my front door directly faces the stairs? First, how close together is the front door and stairway? If there is significant space, energy may have the ability to flow to other areas of the home (especially with the right placement of objects and color). The trick is to re-direct the energy so that it doesn't quickly disperse up the stairway. The use of plants, art, and again color will help with this. Caution: NEVER place a mirror directly facing the front door. This will direct the energy immediately out the door as opposed to allowing it to come in the home and nourish the rooms.
Check in next week when I discuss the use of color to benefit each room and maximize your well-being!
Feel free to contact me at mbedard@hickokandboardman.com with any questions you may have or if you are interested in selling or buying your next home
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