Also check each member's KUA number to ensure that each member is facing their best personal directions. In other words, each family member should have their dinner chair at the dinning table facing their best possible direction. Yes you should eat dinner together! Place a mirror directly facing the dinning room table to increase your good fortune and love together.
Each family member should have the seat in the living room that faces their best possible direction AND their bed should face their best possible direction (top of head while sleeping should face this direction). Make sure people's bedroom doors are not directly across from each other or this could lead to arguments. If it is, call me, I'll help you move! Or I guess you could place something between the two doors to interrupt this flow of energy. There are always remedies or "cures" to feng shui problems. (Traditional feng shui masters will tell you that prevention is always better than the "cure" if possible).
In addition, pay attention to your current home and how easily energy can move throughout the rooms. The East corner of your home (and each individual room) represents your family corner in feng shui. Is it cluttered? Is it missing? Make sure it is clean and well dusted and display a family picture of everyone together here. Make sure everyone is smiling in the picture. If someone has an unhappy face in the picture take a magic marker and make it a happy face. Just kidding! Take another picture I guess. So no scowls or tongues sticking out.
The Northwest area of the home represents the father in the family and the Southwest area of the home represents the mother. Is there a toilet located in these areas of the home? Ouch. Time to move again...not really. There are remedies for this. Is the area cluttered? Missing? Make sure you display positive images in these areas. Click here for a detailed look into this.
Each member of the family needs to be honored and respected. Be sure that each member has their own space which is uncluttered and auspicious with positive symbols of love and well-being.
As always, feel free to contact me if you have specific questions. If it is time to move so you can expand the home, also give me a call and I will be happy to help you find the perfect house for you and your happy family.
Picture taken from http://tinyurl.com/yae68d8
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