The Chinese believe that there are three kinds of luck:
1. Heaven luck which is determined by the time and place of your birth
2. Karma which is determined by your choices and actions in this life and previous lives.
3. Earth luck, the kind you get from living in harmony with your environment.
"Feng shui does not improve your fortunes in magical or supernatural ways. It won’t make you win the lottery or instantly find Ms or Mr right. But by achieving balance and harmony in your environment, you will feel happier and experience an enhanced sense of well-being, which over time will yield positive results in all the important areas of your life-health, wealth, career and relationships. Things will fall into place for you." http://fengshuibeginners.info/?
Over the next few weeks I will be focusing on animal symbols that are considered to bring prosperity and wealth to one's life. The thought is that by displaying these objects, one will increase their good fortune.

Keep in mind that the wealth and prosperity area of your home is located in the back left corner of any room or home when standing and looking in from the front door. Display the peacock here or you can display it in the southeast area of your home which is the wealth area as well. I just realized I have a struggling Orchid in my wealth area of my home. Yikes! Remove any objects that could be draining energy. Feel free to let me know your thoughts on this. You can email me at mbedard@hickokandboardman.com
Also be sure to check out your most auspicious directions and those directions you should NEVER face. Check out Find my KUA number
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