Picture taken from
http://tinyurl.com/ykc2yocNot all homes are created equal in Feng Shui. Your house is directly affected by its location as well as the surrounding homes, water, roads, fields, cemetaries, etc.
So what should you look for when searching for a home that you hope will provide you with years of good fortune? 1. Read my last article on Feng Shui to be sure that you find a home that sits in your wealth direction. You definitely don't want to move into a home that sits in your total loss direction! I've experienced this in the past and the results can be devastating (break ups, financial loss, etc). You may also reflect on your life and recall a time when a certain house you lived in was disastrous to your well being...in other words, everything went wrong while you lived there??
2. In general, water surrounding a home can be auspicious (but not always, depending on where the water is located). Typically, water in front of a home is better than water behind the home however this is very complicated so be sure to look into this further. For example, you never want water to the right of the door (inside the home looking out) as this creates infidelity from the male figure in the home and often leads to divorce or separation. I sold a home recently where there was a bird bath to the right of the home while exiting the house. I told my clients during the final walk thru to remove it after closing and I told them my suspicions. Sure enough, we learned at the closing that the couple was getting a divorce. My clients learned that day that not only can I get them the house they want...but I can ensure them how to remain happy together in it!
3. Make sure to scan the property to look for neighboring properties...are they in good condition? Do they have roof lines or edges/corners of building aimed at your home? If so, this is not good as they are considered to be "poison arrows" and can bring trouble to members of your home. Also make sure that your house doesn't sit at the end of a road directly (with road ending at house...like a dead end).
4. It is not a good idea to buy a home that is lower than the ground (or sitting lower than the road). Typically, you want your home to be on a hill overlooking other properties and roads.
5. Open fields are auspicious next to your home. And mountains located in a certain position (similar to water, this needs to be looked into further for accuracy...compass readings are crucial for this).
6. Finally, the number of your home is important. For this, I suggest you look into numerology. But basically, because we are in period 8 (until 2024), any house numbers that add up to the number 8 is considered VERY Auspicious. For example, if your house number is 26, this is an auspicious home because 2+6=8.
As always, I am happy to help you. Feel free to email me at
mbedard@hickokandboardman.com if you have questions about your house or want to learn what homes for sale out there right now I consider to be AUSPICIOUS!